Bash Scripting Tutorial: A Comprehensive Guide to Piping and Grep
To excel as a hacker, acquiring the ability to filter and manipulate data is crucial. Master this skill by integrating the potent duo of Piping and Grep into your arsenal.
- Introduction
- What are Pipes and Grep?
- Combining Pipes and Grep
- Go Beyond with Grep Flags
- Piping: The Multi-Tool You Never Knew You Needed
- Example Use Case: Finding Open Ports on a Host
- Wrap Up
Today, we're stepping up our game and venturing deeper into the command-line labyrinth. Today we're moving a little beyond the basics, and diving into two indispensable Linux tools: Piping (|) and Grep.
This is getting into more advanced territory, so if you haven't already, go check out the Linux Basics: How to Navigate the Terminal and What is Linux?
You're probably thinking "Piping? I thought this was about Linux, not plumbing! And what even is GREP?"
Well, I'm so glad you asked! Let's get into it!
What are Pipes and Grep?
Before we deep dive, let's get the definitions straight. Pipes (|) in Linux are used to chain multiple commands together. In simpler terms, they take the output of one command and use it as the input for another command.
On the other hand, 'grep' (Global Regular Expression Print) is a powerful utility used to search and filter text. Whether it's a single file or an entire directory, 'grep' is the Swiss Army Knife you need for your text processing tasks.
Combining Pipes and Grep
Now, let's look at the magic that happens when we combine these two powerhouses.
Let's assume you want to search for the word 'Linux' in a file named 'sample.txt'. With 'grep', it's as easy as:
grep 'Linux' sample.txt
But what if you want to search for 'Linux' in a multitude of files or, say, in the output of another command? Here's where piping comes in handy.
For instance, assume you have a directory and when you use the ls
command, this is the output you get:
Now, if you pipe (|
) this list to grep 'Linux'
, it will filter out only the lines that contain the word 'Linux'. So the output of ls | grep 'Linux'
would be:
Here, ls
lists all the files, and grep
filters this list to display only those file names that contain 'Linux'.
Go Beyond with Grep Flags
Just like our friend ls
, grep
comes with a slew of flags to make your life easier.
For instance, the -i
flag ignores case (so 'Linux', 'linux', and 'LINUX' are all the same), and -r
allows you to search recursively in a directory.
grep -i 'linux' sample.txt grep -r 'linux' directory/
Remember, the man
command is always your friend when you want to explore more flags!
man grep
Piping: The Multi-Tool You Never Knew You Needed
The power of pipes isn't just limited to grep. You can combine it with a host of other commands to customise your output.
Ever needed to view the top five long-running processes in your system? With pipes and the ps
and head
commands, it's as easy as:
ps aux --sort=-%mem | head -n 5
This command lists all processes (ps aux
), sorts them based on memory usage (--sort=-%mem
), and finally uses head -n 5
to display the top five entries.
The possibilities with pipes are virtually limitless. They're an essential tool in your Linux arsenal, allowing you to build complex command sequences and manipulate data in many versatile ways.
Example Use Case: Finding Open Ports on a Host
Imagine your task was to find all the open ports running on an host.
A typical nmap scan output can look something like this
Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2023-07-02 13:00 PDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0011s latency).
Not shown: 995 closed ports
21/tcp open ftp
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https
3389/tcp open ms-wbt-server
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.42 seconds
You're objective is to make a list of all the open ports and save them in a text file.
You can run a command like this:
nmap -p- -oG - | grep open | awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $5}' > nmap_output.txt
nmap -p- -oG -
: This command runsnmap
on the target192.168.1.1
, scans all ports (-p-
), and outputs the results in 'grepable' format (-oG -
).grep open
: This command filters thenmap
output to only include lines with the word 'open'.awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $5}'
: This command extracts the first, second, third, and fifth columns from each line. These correspond to the hostname/IP, the port number, the state (open/closed/filtered), and the service running on the port, respectively.> nmap_output.txt
: This command redirects the output into a file namednmap_output.txt
When you cat
the resulting text file, nmap_output.txt, you should see something like this: 21/open tcp ftp 22/open tcp ssh 80/open tcp http 443/open tcp https 3389/open tcp ms-wbt-server
Don't worry if the above is hard to follow. I'm just illustrating what a high-level use case looks like.
Wrap Up
Mastering the art of piping and grep commands in Linux will open a new world of efficient and effective data management. In essence:
- Use
to pipe output from one command as input to another. - Utilise
to filter and search text data. - Enhance your data manipulation by combining both pipe and
It is crucial to remember that practice is key. The more you experiment with different commands and scenarios, the more you'll discover and learn. Don't be afraid of mistakes - they are just stepping stones on your path to mastering Linux.
Unless you make those mistakes as root, then it might be time to buy a new computer...
Seriously, the number of times I've accidentally locked myself out of a Linux virtual machine in the cloud because I deleted the virtual network interface is unreal...
From simple tasks such as listing and searching files, to complex operations such as network analysis and system monitoring, the power of piping and grep commands is limitless. With time, you'll be chaining commands like a pro!
Till next time!